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The Nelson Photo News



Nurses Graduate

Six nurses who trained at Nelson Public Hospital and who passed their State finals examinations received their diplomas at a graduation ceremony at the nurses' home last month. One of them, Staff Nurse K. E. Squire, was among the seven New Zealand nurses to pass with honours (surgery). The staff nurses were, top: B. N. Inch, M. P. McBride and H. N. Phipps (now Mrs Stevenson). Below: K. E. Squire, A. M. Baillie (Mrs Lawther), C. D. Broad (Mrs Berkett). (Peter Cooper Studio)


A great night for the McBride's, who are, from left, Kevin, Mrs and Mr Barry McBride, Moira (the cause of the family gathering), Frank and Sheila (parents), Mrs Barry McBride (great-aunt), and Sean, Shona, Miss Barry McBride (aunt) and, in front, Richard and Paddy.