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The Nelson Photo News



Minister of Forests Disappointed

The Minister of Forests, Mr.Duncan Maclntyre, flew down to Nelson to take part in this year's tree planting in the Coronation Forest on Spooner Range, but through the sold mists that shrouded the tops, he saw little except rows of cold, upturned faces of children, while half an hour was wasted in speeches. A tight schedule precluded him from joining the children as they swarmed over the hillside planting pine trees. The opening day of the week's planting could scarcely have been worse. It was wet underfoot and damp overhead - certainly not the weather for standing round to hear a succession of speakers. A word from the Minister and from Mr A. G. L. Cook, who introduced the project in 1954, surely would have been sufficient. We hope Mr Maclntyre will return next year and will be able to see the great achievements of Nelson's children over the last 13 years.


Armed with grubbers and bags of young pines the young foresters soon had this hillside planted


Mr Maclntyre (left) shows Mr Cook the box of inlaid native woods presented to him by the children.


Mr G. C. Chapman-Cohen, headmaster of Nelson Intermediate School, shows Mrs Maclntyre a plan of the forest.



"Hi ho, hi ho, it's off to work we go"


Well-clothed against the cold and damp, children are marshalled for the opening ceremony


And they stood, and stood, and stood