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The Nelson Photo News




Teen Topics

Table tennis, darts, cards, draughts, chess and by no means the least, dancing to the beat of the Silhouettes, are the activities available to the youth of Nelson (provided they're over the age of 16) at the Borelli Club. The club, run by the Catholic Youth Movement, is undenominational and its objects are to provide Nelson's teenagers with something to do on a Sunday afternoon in a healthy atmosphere. The club is open to all, every Sunday afternoon, at the Celtic gymnasium, where we took these pix.


"Grab" yelled three voices, but David Bale got there before Pauline Sharland and Jenny Carpenter.


A knotty chess problem being worked out by Alison Hall while her opponent John Searle watches closely.


Catering to thirsty dances with soft drinks and coffee are Pam Eathorne, Mavis O'Hagan and Christine Rodgers.


Getting with it with the Silhouettes (man, its noisy in there, but let's admit it - our parents thought our music was noisy too, didn't they?)