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The Nelson Photo News




King Neptune's Day

The weather wasn't at its very best over New Year, but it certainly proved kind for the surf club's big day - that dedicated to King Neptune. The kiddias had their usual fun in the morning after the King had come ashore and in the afternoon beachgirl contests, commencing with the tiny tots, claimed the interest. Large entries were received this year for the Miss Teenage contest, so large in fact that two heats had to be run.


A contestant parades before a large crowd


Being a politician has its moments, as M. P. Stan Whitehead found when he awarded first prize in the teenage contest to Patsy Netto (right) and second to Barbara Banfield, of Christchureh.


Well-known Nelson skater, Josie Gardner, won the Miss Tahuna title



Teenage finalists (all from Nelson unless otherwise mentioned): Diane Eddy, Barbara Banfield (Chch), Karen Roberts, Marie Williamson (Chch), Anne Kitching, Alison Dale (Chch), Patsy Netto, Yvonne Collins.


An entrant who missed out on the Mr Tahuna contest


Having a seaweedy seat on the King's knee are Judith and Marilyn Slape, Picton.


Miss Tahuna finalists: Ruth Banfield (Choh), Sherry Austen, Rosemary Dunlop (Dunedin), Hilary Ussher, Kerin Hedley (Sweden), Josie Gardner, Angela Hickling (Choh), Judith Luff (Melbourne), Pam Wiblin (Blenheim), Yvonne Wickett (Blenheim).


Miss Teeny Weeny: Mandy Devies (centre) with other placegetters, Vivian Day (south Auckland), Susan Pidgeon (Chch) and Sally Piddington (Timaru).