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The Nelson Photo News




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Boyd-Mcbrydie. At the All Saints' Church, Elizabeth Olga, duaghter of Mr and Mrs B. McBrydie, 12 McGlashen Avenue, Richmond, to Kerry, son of Mr and Mrs J. D. Boyd, Kokatani, Hokitika, The attendants are, from left, Warren Boyd, Hokitika, brother of the groom, Betty Savage, Jeanette Wagner, Richmond, sister of the bride (chief bridesmaid), Barry Bone, Hokitika (best man), Kay Griffin, Richmond, and Graeme Cox, Hokitika. The flower-girl is Marisa Boyd, sister of the groom. Future home. Nelson. (Rod Neill).

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Oakly-Fitzgerald. At St Peter's Church, Atawhai, Maureen Lola, daughter of Mrs L. Fitzgerald, Perth, Australia, to John Kenneth Downs, son of Mr and Mrs A. Oakly, Motupipi, Takaka. The attendants are, from left, Lawrence Oakly, Takaka, brother of the groom (best man), Robyn Leversedge, Motueka (chief bridesmaid), Melville Page, Paraparaumu, and Susan Oakly, Takaka, sister of the groom. Future home, Nelson. (Rod Neill).


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Baynes-Price. At the Hope Gospel Hall, Shirley Anne, daughter of Mr and Mrs L. J. Price, 8a Edward Street, Richmond, to David, son of Mr and Mrs J. W. R. Baynes, 12 Tui Glen Road, Atawhai. The attendants are Wendy Price, Richmond, sister of the bride (chief bridesmaid), Graeme McNae, Nelson (best man), Alison Price, Richmond, sister of the bride, and Michael Dutta, Fiji. The flower-girl is Ruth Price, sister of the bride. Future home, Nelson. (Rod Neill).

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Savage-Gill. At the Presbyterian Church, Aileen Joan, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. F. Gill, 16 Elizabeth Street, Richmond, to Ian Douglas, son of Mr and Mrs D. S. Savage, 112 Whites Road, Hope. The attendants are, from left, Maree Kemp, Richmond (junior bridesmaid), Jennifer Gill, Richmond, sister of the bride (chief bridesmaid), Kerry Thomason, Richmond (best man), Marlene Thorn, Richmond, and Warren Stratford, Richmond. Future home, Richmond. (Rod Neill).