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The Gisborne Photo News



Beware the Fly!

The common house-fly is summer's greatest pest and one of the most dangerous.

The department's main concern is to destroy the favourite breeding places, such as heaps of grass clippings, backyard rubbish heaps.

One female fly, in its average lifetime, could theoretically be responsible for the emergence of as many as 5,598,720,000,000 flies, each carrying over a million bacteria on their bodies.

In his regular migrations from rubbish heap to dining table, the fabulous fly is our most dangerous disease spreader.


The monster pictured is sufficently vile-looking to bring a twinge of fear to the hardest heart. Yet he stays in our homes as a regular, though not particularly welcome, guest.


The Health Dept. is conducting a campaign against flies and showed this display in a department store window.