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The Gisborne Photo News



Home In Six Mins.

Cyril and Marion Phillips can be home in six minutes — wherever they are! They are the owners of a Starcraft collapsible caravan. The vehicle extends upwards and longways to give plenty of room (22' x 7') inside, and sleeping room for six. It also has the normal stove and fridge. In its packed state the caravan makes for very easy towing, with a minimum of wind resistance.

The Phillips have come from Canada to settle in New Zealand and so far, in the time that they have been in the country, they are really "stoked" on our area. They would like to go on the land anywhere within an hour's drive of Gisbome and would consider buying any type of farm within reason. (They can be contacted through their friends, the Johnsons, phone 87-363). Marion and Cyril Phillips, who were dairy farmers in the Fraser Valley, British Colombia, for 17 years, have also farmed in Oregon. In both cases they were on town milk supply. They used pure bred Holsteins, with Mr Phillips actually taking a shield in competition for the highest butterfat content in the Fraser Valley one year. However, they reckon New Zealand is the best place in the world to live (they have one married daughter out here already) and until they find a suitable place they have their natty caravan to keep them dry.


The caravan ready to tow


The four corner uprights are wound up simultaneously. To these and the roof are attached the top half waterproof, collapsible walls


Double sleeping room is extended from each end


The caravan interior ready for use