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The Gisborne Photo News



A Message to readers of "Photo News" from the Mayor of Gisborne

The citizens of Gisborne have every reason to feel gratification and pride that the growth and development of their town has been so rapid that it has reached city status a good deal sooner than had been expected. To some extent, the progress of Gisborne typifies the growth of the whole Dominion, but there is more to it than that.

For many years our city was handicapped by its isolation and people did not have the opportunity they have to-day of learning of its great potentialities and of the wealth of the district it serves. Now, we are coming into our own and we can look forward to even more rapid development in the future.

In the past, Gisborne was almost exclusively the centre of an agricultural community, but to-day its activities are more varied and diversified. Many new and important secondary industries are being established and business men of vision are realising the opportunities awaiting their initiative and enterprise. Not the least notable of these new ventures is " Photo News" itself, a publication which is an asset to the city and a credit to its producers.

Gisborne is fortunate that its early pioneers and administrators planned with such foresight and laid such sound foundations for the city of to-day. We of the present generation should acknowledge our great debt to them and resolve to be worthy of our inheritance. The city is on the threshold of great things. The rate and extent of our progress will depend very largely, not on a few, but on the measure of goodwill and co-operation of the citizens as a whole. If we approach our tasks and our responsibilities in the right spirit nothing can prevent Gisborne becoming one of the most important centres in the Dominion.

To all those who have contributed in any way to the establishment of our city I extend my congratulations and grateful thanks. I trust that the future for them and for their city will be as bright and as prosperous as all the portents indicate.


Mayor of Gisborne


Mr. Barker


Mrs. Barker
Lloyd Cornish