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The Nelson Photo News




"Knaughty Knights" Was Tremendous Success

Very often the financial return from a show cannot be the yardstick by which the success of the show is measured. In the case of the locally written and produced "Knaughty Knights" was concerned, the show was a tremendous success and the balance sheet, showing the largest profit made by the Nelson Repertory Theatre for some considerable time, is the final proof of its success. Jack Holmes and Margaret Kingsford, as writers and producers, the cast and all who worked so hard to make "Knaughty Knights" the colourful, musical and very enjoyable show it was, are deserving of the heartiest concongratulations.


The Mayor of Wellington, Sir Francis Kitts, and Lady Kitts, accompanied by the president of Nelson Repertory Theatre, Mr David MacKenzie and Mrs MacKenzie, arrive at the theatre for first night.


Jack Holmes and Margaret Kingsford greet the Mayor and Mayoress of Richmond, Mr and Mrs Muir McGlashen


The Mayor and Matoress of Motueka, Major H. H. Thomason and Mrs Thomason, glance at the knightly guard of honour at the door or the theatre.


Sir Francis, flanked by Mr and Mrs MacKenzie, ready for the show



As an advertising gimmick, a knight (Philip Win) and his lady (Karolyn Hill) and attendants Robert Jary and David Bannister rode along Trafalgar Street and at the Church Steps challenged the Mayor, Mr Strawbridge, to see the show on the first night.


Pages in waiting for the guests of honour


And so, on with the show, with French Kings Bans (Alan Lukies) and Bors (Bill Simm) get the message from Sir Gawain De Dartmoor (John Cameron), to present their best fighters at King Arthur's court for a tourney.


Poor old Merlin (Roy Purnell) looks apprehensive as Queen Guenevere (Joyce Rowland) issues an ultimatum.



Some of the carryings-on in the French Court


"You'll bash him?" asks the Queen of Sir Lionel De Rutherford (Patrick Paynter) when he promises to fight the flower of the French, Lancelot du Lac.


Sword play by numbers (French style)


One of the chorus numbers in King Arthur's court.