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The Nelson Photo News



Aviation Ball

All the flying types from miles around, and a lot of people whose interest in flying does not extend beyond a quick flip now and then, helped the first aviation ball in Nelson off the ground and kept it flying at speed till the wee hours. The ball was a tremendous success and now seems likely to become an annual event. It was held at the Redwood Hall, Richmond showgrounds.


Pat Kennedy with ball hostesses (dressed for the occasion), Lee Irwin and daughter Raewyn, in real party mood.


From Blenheim came Arthur and Marie Goodman


Enjoying themselves: Ian Taylor, Jan Pfefferle, Angela Vass, John Parker, and Jean and Terry Win.


One big, rollicking group, Jennifer Sheehan, Colin Hunt, Robyn Elliott, Bruce Martin, Lynley Saxton, John Bradshaw, Barbara Lane, Arthur Deacon, Carol Cease, Betty Bradshaw and Keith Ercolano.


Happy nights for Bob Copp, Julie Herrick, Vivian Campbell, Valerie Bennett and Robert Todd.