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The Nelson Photo News



Preparing an Art Exhibition

When the Nelson Suter Art Society's autumn exhibition opened towards the end of last month there was little evidence available in the'gallery to suggest much in the way of preparation. The pictures, sculptures and pottery were all neatly hung and arrayed and it is doubtful if any viewers have given a thought to the amount of work put into the exhibition before it was opened to the public. We hadn't, until we took our camera into the gallery to record these pics.


Pictures cover the floor awaiting hooks and string and the eagle eyes of the selection panel who decide which exhibits are to be hung.


Unpacking is like having a turn at a lucky dip - you don't know what's coming forth and here Mr N. Jones, Mrs N. Wilkes and Mr M. A. Botting get their turn.


Mrs T. Griffin disposes of packing materials



Mr Miles Botting removes one of the wood sculptures of Don Driver


Jane Evans, a newly-elected member, discusses with Mrs Griffin and the secretary, Mrs R. D. Riley, the prices she will ask for her work.


The committee views with a critical eye the works of artists seeking election as working members


Stringing the pictures are Mrs R. H. Grabham, Dr G. Kemble Welch, Miss J. Evans, and Mrs N. Jones.