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The Gisborne Photo News



Anglican Ball

The annual Anglican Ball held late last month was an unqualified success, and marked the debut of nineteen young ladies who were presented to the Bishop of Waiapu, the Rt. Rev. N. A. Lesser, and Mrs Lesser.

The debutantes are pictured on succeeding pages.


The debutantes ranged behind the official party, comprising Bishop and Mrs Lesser, Archdeacon A. R. H. Morris and Mrs Morris, the Mayor, Mr H. H. Barker, and Mrs Barker, and Mr R. A. Keeling, M.P., and Mrs Keeling.


The committee which organised the ball. Seated, left to right, Mesdames W. McGrory, E. Smith, R. Hall, T. Morrow, A. MacDiarmid, A. Kirkham, A. Jukes (secretary), M. Waldron. At rear, Messrs Barry Jones, Bruce Spence, Barney Stevens, John Berry, Keith Stichbury, Ern Smith, Maurice Waldron (chairman), Lyle Spence. Absent, Miss B. Blunt.


Pictures By Lloyd Cornish


Miss Mary Shipp


Miss Anne Harvey


Miss Shirley Johnson


Miss Janette Gray


Miss Wendy Roots


Miss Shirley Webb



Lloyd Cornish
Miss Barbara Hardy


Lloyd Cornish
Miss Kathleen Wallis


Lloyd Cornish
Miss Ann Howse


Miss Julie Allen


Lloyd Cornish
Miss Elvynne Sullivan


Mayfair Studios
Miss Lorraine Wagner



Mayfair Studios
Miss Lucy Cheer


Miss Shirley Cunningham
Mayfair Studios


Miss Ann Hamilton
Mayfair Studios


Miss Robin McKinley
Mayfair Studios


Miss Pauline Kirkham
Mayfair Studios


Miss Francis Allen
Mayfair Studios


Miss Patricia Mountford
Mayfair Studios