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The Gisborne Photo News



Burton Bowls Exciting Final

Gisborne's premier bowling tournament for the Burton Trophy, played annually during Easter, drew a lange entry this year, and also provided in its final stages some of the best matches seen for a long time.


Some of the tense atmosphere of top championship bowling is conveyed by this picture as skip Roy Smith prepares to send down crucial bowl


Those who saw the semi-finals were inclined to regard the final, between the Smith brothers from Helensville, Dargaville, and Gisborne, and Bartlett's Mount Maunganui four, as something of an antclimax when after nine ends Smith was leading 14-2. But on the 24th head, the rivals were 20-all, and excitement was at fever pitch. In the final head, the Smiths came out on top and took the trophy. They are seen (right) during the tea interval with their sister, Mrs Lorna Findsen, of Bayly Street, Gisborne. At left are Roy (Helensville), who skipped the team, and Hector (Dargaville). At right are Jim (Gisborne) and Jack (Dargaville).



Rival skips study head.


The trophies




Runner-up A. Bartlett (left) and his team, J. Anderson, A. Cooper, and A. Squibbs


Watching the game