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The Gisborne Photo News



Basketball Skirts How Short Should They Be?

In Christchurch last month, officials of the Basketball Association, alarmed at the trend towards extreme brevity in basketball girls' skirts, conducted a "blitz" on Saturday afternoon and warned 23 girls whose skirts were not long enough to comply with the regulations.

No such blitz is contemplated in Gisborne, but just for fun we asked four local basketball girls (Denise Third, Sonya Olsen, Janice Merton and Heather McNee) to illustrate the subject for "Photo News".

Wellington basketball officials have also given notice of a "new, strong line" against too–short skirts and filmy nylons. If this sort of thing goes too far, girls might find themselves, like Granny, right back. . . . . . . . . . . . ...............


Knee–length: some Gisborne players wear this model.


Causes officials to get out tape–measures


This is how Granny took to the courts


Official length: 8in. from ground when kneeling


. . . . . To This!