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The Gisborne Photo News





.....John Ward (left) and Rod Coppins are joint proprietors of a city car sales Both were recently married and have a keen interest in saloon car motor racing. John came from Waikato eight years ago and now lives at 573 Aberdeen Road. This season, driving his modified Lotus Anglia, which is powered by a 195lcc Cortina engine, he gained fifth place in the N.Z. Gold Star saloon drivers' championship. The car, which was shared by both men, was placed in all of its 40 starts. Rod came from Auckland one year ago, and now lives at 197 Ormond Road. This year he had to be content with sixth place in the drivers' championship as his own Anglia was being modified for next season. In 1965 he was placed second, and in 1966, third.


.....Barbara Cording (left) and Maureen Kilpatrick are pharmacy assistants at Bramwells. Barbara, who is married, lives at 5 Pine Street, and enjoys visiting the beach, boating, and water skiing. Her husband is at present building a boat for next season. Maureen also enjoys the beach, sews her own clothes, and lives at 277 Grey Street.


.....Doug Teasdale, proprietor of the Gisborne Driving School, lives with his wife, two sons, and one daughter at 32 Kowhai Street. An Englishman by birth, Doug came to Gisborne six years ago, plays golf at the Park Club, and is an active member of Unity Theatre.


.....John Stothers is a familiar figure to many, tending the needs of injured sportsmen on the sideline. A stalwart of the St. John Ambulance Association, John has given 3650 hours of voluntary service to the association over a period of five years. A male orderly at Cook Hospital by profession, he lives at 3 Vogel Street, He plays darts for the hospital club, follows rugby, and is a cadet officer with St. Johns.


.....Jock Alexander, petrol station manager at Holmes Motors, is a keen follower of sport in his spare time. Born and bred in Gisborne, Jock plays bowls at the Kahutia Club, attends rugby matches every Saturday, and recently ended a long career as a badminton player. A member of the Savage Club, he lives with his wife at 538 Childers Road. They have one married daughter.