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The Gisborne Photo News



Roving Camera


Members of the Catholic Women's choral circle photographed at their Christinas celebration, dressed up for the occasion. Back row, from left: Vonnie White, Edna Milligan, Gladys Wootton, Teresa Hoggins, Gwen Adamson, Mary Rolf. Middle row: Una Crosswell, Frances Ngata, Marie Hill, Mary Hoggins, Emma Cook, Joan Halligan, Kay Kendall, Nancy Grey. In front: Val Donovan, Mary Rigney, Lil Higgins. (Photo from Mrs Cook).


Smoke from the Australian bush fires so dimmed the sun a couple of weeks back that it could be observed easily with the naked eye. This picture was taken at Waikanae Beach with a telephoto lens, looking towards Muriwai. The sun was a bright red.


The most stringent precautions are taken to prevent the accidental importation of pests into New Zealand, but they get in just the same, and could have disastrous effects if undetected. When Terry Gardiner, 8 Karaka Street, began investigating a cricket wicket he bought two years ago, he found it almost eaten away from the inside by a fat grub which probably came with the wicket from Pakistan. Both grub and wicket have gone to Wellington for study and identification.


Christine Bragg, the younger daughter of Mr and Mrs C. W. Bragg, of Palmerston North, late of Willow St., Gisborne, who is leaving this month for an extended working holiday in Australia, England, and the Continent.