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The Gisborne Photo News



From Snow to Summer Sunshine

Gisborne's climate certainly want to extremes during lata September-early October

As if to herald its departure, winter stung with a vengeance when a sudden cold snap left snow-falles on the aurrounding hills...... an uncommon sight at any time, but a rarity at this time of the year.

However, after this final fling, "old man weather" changed his tune, and treated Gisborne to the type of climate to which it is more accustomed....... beautiful golden days under the hot summer sun.


Snow-covered hilla in the foreground overlook Young Nick's Head and Poverty Bay


A snowy road in bush country on the Wharerata hills


Now Over 8000

Another landmark in the progress of "Gisborne Photo News" was reached this month.

For the first time, more than 8000 copies of the magazine are being printed.

Circulation for a number of months haa been nearing this total.


A deer haa joined the cattle to feed in this snow-covered paddock on Mr Joe Charteris's property at Otoko, (Pic by Mr Charteris).


And so to the sea and the beaches, which are already crowded with bronzed bodies basking in the sun, while out in the surf, board-riders ravel in the thrills of their exciting sport.......a typical scene at Waikanae Beach on a recent Sunday afternoon.


An embarrassing moment occurred for the tow-truck at right, when it overturned in the course of duty at the corner of Clifford and Stafford Streets on a recent week night, and was forced to swallow its pride and call on the assistance of a fellow vehicle to winch it back on its feet.