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The Gisborne Photo News




They came, they saw and they conquered. The "intrepid five" who make up the Sun Fun Company have entertained their way throughout the district and up the Coast over the past couple of months much to the delight of hundreds of people of all ages. This was the second year for Sarah Olding and Fleur Rosie, while Co-ordinator Miriam Swarbrick introduced two new faces, Megan Scandlan and Tony Trafford, to the group. The jam-packed summer programme featured many diverse activities from a sandcastle competition and kite festival to a back to school aqua rage. For the first time forays were made to Ruatoria, Te Araroa,Hicks Bay & Tikitiki with whole families paticipating in the activities. There were plenty of worthwhile themes too, such as smokefree, drug and alcohol free, slip slop slap and cycle safety in conjunction with the Police.

It was a great team with plenty of energy as New Year's eve at the town clock illustrated. From here the members of the Sun Fun Company head off to university, Sarah to complete her Occupational Therapy degree in Auckland, Megan to her Nursing degree in Auckland, Fleur to Hamilton where she is finishing her Bachelor of Education degree and Tony to Lincoln for a Bachelor of Parks, Recreation and Tourism Management.


The Sun Fun Company at Midway Beach (L to R): Megan, Sarah, Miriam, Fleur and Tony.