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The Gisborne Photo News



Forum and Aginum

Street Verges

This letter from "Worried" raises some interesting points, and comes to us following complaints about car parking in streets adjacent to Ulverstone reception centre.

"Sir,I understand there is a city bylaw which prohibits the trespassing by motor vehicles on cultivated verges in the streets. Why is it there are no prosecutions under this bylaw? I have never heard of one.

People who assist the appearance of the city by keeping large street frontages tidy should be protected from careless drivers who have no interest except to skid their wheels as they depart. The only other way is to go to the trouble of protecting lawns with boulders or blocks. But who is liable then if somebody trips over one of these boulders and breaks a leg? Not the council, I'll wager!"

Power Poles

This is an old 'un. "Forest" writes:

"In modern cities the aim is to eliminate unsightly power and telegraph poles.

Yet here in Gisborne we are being inflicted with more and more of these. It makes one want to go out on a dark night with an axe."

Telephoto picture (above) accentuates the ugly superfluity of poles in Gladstone Road.

Never On Sundays

There has been some controversy of late about the rubbish tip hours, and the type of rubbish which may be dumped. We had a letter last month asking why the dump could not be opened on Sundays. We don't know why not, but this picture taken at Wanganui shows happy dumpers on a Sunday afternoon safari there.


"Cultivated Verge" in Hinaki street protected with stones