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The Gisborne Photo News



Debutantes Presented at St. Mary's Ball

In a most impressive ceremony, at the eighth annual presentation ball of the Parish of St. Mary's Star of the Sea, 14 debutantes made their curtsey to the Most Reverend Dr. J. M. Liston, D.D., Bishop of Auckland. To the music of the "Fascination" waltz, one by one the debutantes and their escorts moved slowly towards the official dais, whereupon they mounted the steps and made a deep curtsey to His Grace; and then took their place on the tiered steps behind the official party. After the official speeches by Mr R. Ferrick and Archbishop Liston, they returned to the floor where they were met by their escorts. They then commenced the specially arranged debutantes' waltz, which was brought to a conclusion with the couples forming an enormous cross.

The Army Hall was extensively decorated with fishing nets and glittering paper fish which gave a delightful atmosphere of underwater fantasy.


The official photograph taken by Mayfair Studio, showing the debutantes grouped on the tiered steps after their presentation. Seated in the front of the dais are the official party. They are from left: Mrs E. I. Tombleson, M. P., Mr Tombleson, Mrs M. Falwasser, president of the Catholic Women's League, His Grace Archbishop Liston, The Mayor Mr H. H. Barker, Mrs Barker, and the Rev. Father N. Berridge, parish administrator. Standing is Mr R. A. J. Ferrick, who welcomed His Grace on behalf of the parishioners.
The debutantes are from left, back row: (l) Miss Diane Joyce, (2) Miss Margaret Whitehead, (3) Miss Ellen Burns, (4) Miss Teresa Owen, (5) Hiss Colleen Randle, (6) Miss Eileen Phelps, (7) Miss Christine Morley, and (8) Miss Sharlene Walters.
Those in front are: (1) Miss Colleen Berry, (2) Miss Lorraine Andrews, (3) Miss Leoni McLoughlin, (4) Miss Judith Fogden, (5) Miss Carol Boggs, and (6) Miss Maria Griguol.
Mayfair Studios




The debutantes and their escorts about to commence their beautiful debutante waltz.


Some of the debutantes on the dais listening to the official speeches. They are: Misses Colleen Randle, Judith Fogden, Carol Boggs, and Eileen Phelps.


Watched by the assembled dancers, Miss Colleen Randle curtseys to His Grace Archbishop Liston.



The debutante waltz finished in the form of a cross


Announcing the debutantes as they were presented was Mrs R. M. Smith


After the ceremony, Archbishop Llston presented each young lady with a souvenir programme. Miss Leoni McLoughlan is seen receiving hers.


The debutantes and their partners formed a guard of honour for the official party as they left the dais