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The Gisborne Photo News




Dogs, Dogs, Dogs...... they were there in abundance at the SPCA fundraising gala held at the railway reserve. Each dog was an SPCA 'special" and they were indeed very special to their proud owners. They came in all shapes and sizes, some with pedigree papers but mostly a mixture of well-loved canines with plenty of novelty events to compete in, such as the most unusual, most obedient and best child's pet. Nearly $6000 was raised which will come in handy over the Christmas period when the SPCA have numerous call-outs and abandoned animals to deal with.


Winner of the "Treva Rice Look-alike" contest was Joshua Leach's Tom (Centre!)


Jody Kara's Samoyed "Stussy" insisted on getting in the drinking water supplied by the SPCA for the dozens of thirsty dogs.


Judy Colbert and her treasured poodle "Abbie"



SPCA Centre Manager Heather Allen hands out Best Friend sponsored "Champ" to all the contestants


Amy Askin and "Sophie" the Dalmation made a wonderful picture of a much-loved pet and owner


Some of the dogs and their owners who competed in the "Best ex-SPCA pet" category.