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The Gisborne Photo News




The oldest continuous rugby club in Poverty Bay, Old Boys has a proud record of achievement and 370 members proved the strength of club spirit when they gathered for the 75th Jubilee over Easter. The 70s was a great era for the club when they won the Senior Championship in 1971 and then cruised to 5 successive championship titles from 1977-81. Robbie Newlands and Wilton McFarlane, both products of this era, played over 100 games for P.B. A past versus present game was one of many highlights of an extremely successful Jubilee held at the Oval clubrooms and an adjacent marquee


Jim Barrett who first played for Old Boys in 1933 with Secretary Jack Richards (1936), Joan Barrett and Lyla Richards at the clubrooms on the first night of celebrations


Club stalwarts (L to R): Chopper Summersby (1935 - 70), Peter Jeune (1951-57) Jim Duncan (1945 - 1957)



Ron McFarlane (1959), Ian Lee (1959), Malcolm Craill, Dick Glover, Phil Gaukrodger, Murray Murton (59-64)


Brian Cairns, Henry Haenga, Bill Cairns, Dick Jones (Coach-mid 60s), Colin Evans, Rob Waugh, Graeme Brooking, and Ross Kay had plenty of cheeky comments for the Photo News photographer and their coach.


From 1981 Simon Muir, Kevin Hooper, Rex Wilson, Paul Humphrey, Tony Leggett, Graham Torrie & coach David Jenkins



Old Boys players have worn the PB colours with pride and none more so than this group of players which includes some of the "stars" of the Old Boys teams of the 30s. (L to R) Norm Doreen (1947), Jack Barbour (1936), Bruce Birrell (1936), Chopper Summersby (1936- played for PB, Hawkes Bay and later became PB selector), Neville Barnes (1936). Front: Stan Parker (1931), Dick Clay (1935) and George Montgomery (1934).


Max Phelps (1950), Peter Livingston (1933-40) and Geoff "Pony" Shanks (1935-48).


Enjoying catching up with old mates are (L to R) Fred Preddy (1965-68), Bill Avenell (1965-68) and Nell Stewart (1959-69)



Robin Bruce, Basil McFarlane, Reece Jones and Hank Nyenhuis had plenty to reminisce about at the Jubilee.


Murry Wooster (all the way from the U.K.), George Newlands (Junior All Black), Bob Clay, Richard Brown-Bayliss and Kevin Barrett, all players from the 1970s when Old Boys were a real force to be reckoned with.


Tony Hyland (1970s), Murray Parkes (1980s), Richard Owen (1980s), Kenny White & Peter Clay (1970s)