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The Gisborne Photo News




The Frigate HMNZS Wellington stopped off in Gisborne for a few days of rest and relaxation. Several of the 250 strong crew were from Gisborne and it was an opportunity for friends and families to catch up with each other. While here, crew members took part in various activities and sports contests and sampled some of our famous hospitality.


The HMNZS Wellington manoevres in the harbour basin with the help of the tug Turihaua.


Environmentally aware, the NewZealand Navy off loads the rubbish first and it's all hands on deck to speed up the process.



The Navy is in town and interested spectators crowd the wharf to watch the complicated proceedures as the Frigate berths.


The NewZealand flag is raised as the HMNZS Wellington comes to rest beside the wharf.


Dawn Smith brought along a large group of children to watch the excitement.



Virginia and Joan Barns-Graham, Melissa and Shane Morrow welcoming Tristan Barns-Graham.


Leading Seaman Ihaka Kutia with his wife Sarah, daughter Chantelle and father Mr. David Ihaka an ex-Navy man.


Mr. Allan Ruru and his son Leading Desmond Ruru


Mr. and Mrs. Irwin from Manutuke enjoying being reunited with their son Gunner Monowai Irwin.



Naval Recruiting Officer Reece Golding and Naval Relations Officer Bob Burgess.


Port workers Campbell Goodwin, Tom Kingi, Rex O'Connell, Roger Bodle and Ian Croker


Delighted friends and families enjoying the reunions.


Fishing at the wharf and keeping an eye on the Frigate is Shawn Elsmore.