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The Gisborne Photo News



Where Are They Now?


Jenny Bain, daughter of Mr and Mrs J. W. Bain, Graham Road, is now in England on the editorial staff of the Ilford Recorder, Essex. Jenny who trained as a journalist with the Gisborne Herald, recently celebrated her 2lst birthday at a party given for her by her brother Hamish at his London flat.


Mrs Marie Alexander, of Awapuni Road, is at present on an extended holiday with her son Marcus, who is a publisher and author in London. Prior to Christmas Mrs Alexander went for a tour on the Continent with Marcus, who had a journalistic assignment, visiting France, Holland, Luxembourg and the Rhineland. The picture shows Mrs Alexander in her son's motor cruiser, "Blue Flame", during a trip on the Grand Union Canal which runs from London to Birmingham.


Rocky Hall, son of Mr and Mrs R. Hall, 565B Aberdeen Road, is now living and working in Melbourne. An ex-club captain of Midway Surf Life Saving Club, ex-H.S.O.B. rugby player and former P.B. junior rep., Rocky is now playing for the top Victorian Club side "Powerhouse", and was recently selected for the pre-season Victoria state training squad which next season plays N.Z., Wales and France. He is also a member of the powerful Torquay S.L.S.C., which currently holds three Australian titles, and a member of the Torquay six-man R and R team which last season defeated both the U.S.A., and South African teams. Rocky reckons the Australian surf is the greatest and has been on a number of surfing safaris to different parts of the country. He hopes to play a season of rugby in South Africa before returning to Gisborne.


After five years in Melbourne, Ian Adair, son of Mr and Mrs Basil Adair, 151 Stout Street, recently returned to Gisborne for a holiday to visit his parents, with his two sons Scott and Blake. Ian holds the position of travel officer for the Victorian Chamber of Manufactures, and the picture was taken when the family spent two weeks up at Lake Waikaremoana.