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The Gisborne Photo News



Danger—Wrestlers at Work

"Photo News" went along to the Opera House the other night to record some scenes of that exciting spectacle, a professional wrestling bout. The contestants were the Netherlands champion, the great Zorro, and Don Beitelman (U. S. A.). Both were expert showmen as well as expert wrestlers, with Zorro as the "heavy menace" and Beitelman gaining the upper hand sufficiently to bring his numerous supporters to their feet at suitable intervals.


Referee Mr H. Duckworth has close view of the struggling titans.


Angered by an outburst of booing, the Great Zorro leaves ring to give audience a piece of his mind.


(1). Zorro, looking rather like Superman, flies through the air with the greatest of ease. In this way, he gets to be called the Flying Dutchman.

(2). Don's in a daze after this.

(3). But, ah! He's on the job again!

(4). And Zorro's air borne again. But this time he's nose—diving!

(5). Ouch! That mat's not so soft after all. "Now, where's that Beitelman bloke again?"


(1). The referee is counting and Zorro heaves convulsively to get his shoulders off the mat.

(2). Up and doing again, Beitelmann bids fair to unscrew Zorro's arm.

(3). What? It won't come off? Well, then what about a try with the Dutchman's leg? Tactics like these are exploited to the full to raise audience enthusiasm, and are accompanied by suitable facial contortions.

(4). As match neared end, wrestlers began throwing each other through ropes. Here Beitelman appears to be forcing Zorro's gullet against lower rope, while referee (behind) endeavours to make them "break it up". Much of the action was too fast for cameraman to get into position for shooting to best advantage.


(1). Now that's more like the way we did it as small boys.

(2). Referee H. Duckworth is on his way through the ropes, and Beitelman isn't happy either. What a terror this Zorro is!

(3). And there's Don just flung to one side, as it were.

(4). Ah-ha! Now the tables are being turned. Don and the ref. are up, and Zorro's on his way down.

(5). The Great Zorro gives Mr Duckworth a piece of his mind. He is pointing to Beitelman, recumbent in his corner after having had his head bashed against each corner post in turn.


(1). Action - packed shot shows Beitelman taking off from Zorro's chest.

(2). End of match. Referee intercepts to defend Beitelman, who has been trampled into corner of ring. Heavy menace Zorro looms over ref's shoulder, while all that can be seen of Don is a foot.

(3) and (4). Zorro has final word with excited audience while policeman keeps handy.