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The Nelson Photo News



Poultry and Cage Bird Show

More than 800 fowls, budgies, canaries, pigeons, and ducks made quite a splash of colour in the Sports Hall when the 74th cage bird show was held. Special exhibits were a pair of Lady Ammerhurst pheasants and golden pheasants, all natives of China, owned by Mr A. J. Tyrell, Richmond.


Light Sussex cock owned by H. W. Nisbett (Golden Downs), 1st


C. M. Goodman (Tahuna) exhibited this Australorp cock, judged best utility bird in the show


This Muscovy drake, owned by Heather Wilson (Stoke), won first prize, but a ppears anxious to depart


Mr C. C. Minty, game bird judge, holds Old English game duck-winged cock


Golden pheasant cock and its elaborate head plumage


Lady Ammerhurst pheasants



V. G. Main (Tahuna) with his pigeon which won three cups, South Island title, two specials


These fantail pigeons objected to the camera


Annette, Edna and Joyce Dalkie, (88 Valley) have won total 160 prizes in 5 years. Edna had this year's N.Z. champion bantam.


Pet parade found Deirdre and Kevin Walker with gold - fish


Line-up of kiddies with friends at pet parade