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The Nelson Photo News



The Benyon Show

"The Great Benyon", one of the last real vaudevillians left in the business, will still be playing in Nelson when this issue is on sale. We attended his first-night show and along with a fairish crowd which grew with each performance, thoroughly enjoyed this fast-moving show. A talent quest run in conjunction, again brought to light a lot of artists of great merit.


The greet illusion. As Benyon stands by, Doris O'Hagan is locked and roped inside a box. Not she, but Benyon was inside when it was opened.


Burning cotton wool went in, but a paper stream came out.


An extraordinary balancing feat



Doris thought she was good at snitching things in the dark, but she wasn't as good as Sean O'Hagan.


Benyon shows how to control a flying cue with two others.


The youngsters rushed free Cokes.


Paul Schripper, Richmond, took third prize with rapid sketching.


The fire-eater.