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"As You Like It"

Our first thoughts after seeing "As You Like It" were that the tremendous effort made by every member of the Nelson Repertory Theatre in this play deserved much greater support from the public. Seldom has the society produced a play which has been so clean in its presentation and so lively. Our heartfelt congratulations to every member of the cast. They proved beyond doubt that Shakespeare, learned at college, need not be dull and wearisome. Co-producers Frank Newman and Frona King got the best from the cast throughout and we feel certain chat those who saw the play enjoyed it as we did.


Jaque De Boys (Brian Smythe) on the seven ages of man.


Finale, with Duke Senr (John Miller), Rosalind (Jackie Askew), and her Orlando (Dennis Richards).


Duke Frederick (Gerry Stewart) shows off Charles the Wrestler (Gib Greening) to two ladies of the court.


A startled servant Adam (Bob Rodwell) watches as Orlando tells his brother Oliver (Barton Jones) what he thinks of him.



Celia (Yvonne Staig) appeals to the tyrannical Duke Frederick not to banish Rosalind from his court.


The sneering Oliver


In the forest during a little play acting, Celia gives the disguised Rosalind, known as Ganymede, in mock marriage to the Rosa-lind-obsessed Orlando.


A happy Oliver is united with Celia



In the forest, surrounded by his faithful men, the Duke Senr and other principals listen to Jaque De Boys hold forth.


The not-so-foolish fool, Touchstone (David MacKenzie).


The Duke Senr hears that Duke Frederick is going into retirement and is handing back his crown and lands while Rosalind and Orlando share in the joy of the occasion.


The rather vacant face of William, an admirer of Touchstone's Audrey (Chris Hay).