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The Nelson Photo News



Campaign Candids


Grimly watching election night on telly? No. Mr Gordon and Gerald Hunt (National's Tasman candidate), were carefully framing an answer to a voter's question.


"Now, if you think I'm going to sell my Suzuki…"


"And when I get my hands on that bikie's throat…"


"Wotchyer got in yer sandwiches today, Archie?"


"And I will consider moving that the voting age be drastically reduced."



Gary Eggers, the New Democrats man in Tasman


The successful Labour candidate in the Tasman electorate, Bill Rowling, came under attack from Ces Fox about Labour's attitude to the Springbok tour. In the background is Mr Rowling's van, in which he did his campaigning.
(Picture: Barry Simpson).


Tony Brunt, leader of the Values Party, deep in conversation with Nelson candidate Alan Stanton


"Big Norm" Kirk successfully led his party to victory. Our photo shows him speaking at the Church Steps


The National candidate in Tasman, Gerald Hunt, addressing a meeting in Richmond


Supporters of the Values Party, and others, were among those who attended an election address by Mr Kirk