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The Nelson Photo News



Hockey Club's Barbeque

The barbeque organised by the Women's Hockey Association at Stoke on New Year's Eve was not an outstanding success. When we visited the fairground about 9.30 pm, there was only a handful of spectators and business was almost at a standstill. A big pity since the association had put a lot of effort into this project.


Sampling sizzling sausages: Helen Stevens, Ann Johnson, Christine Stone, Robyn Allan, Alison Whitmore.


Raewyn Rawson (Stoke) enjoying a ride on the merry-go-round.


Jim Wareing and Alan Samuels provided a good supply of fuel for the fires.


One of the chefs: Stephen Knight


The ferris wheel, chairs and merry-go. round had a fairly quiet night


Whoopee, what fun!